Saturday, July 18, 2020
How to Start a Book Report Introduction
How to Start a Book Report Introduction A good start is half of the work done. This is valid for a book report as well. But how to write an introduction for a book report in the way that will show your intentions, your understanding of the book content and at the same time attract the reader`s attention? You may be surprised, but the advice is very simple: prepare yourself properly. First of all, reading a book is important. You had better pay attention to all significant details or the ones that in some way surprised you or changed the way of your thinking. Trying to read summaries or to watch a movie isn’t an option as you cannot get acquainted with the book content properly. Other people may have understood the book in a completely different way, and you have to form your own opinion. Moreover, when you are making effort to catch the ideas from a summary, you are missing significant details that may be crucial for the understanding of the idea. Did you find some statements that you may want to use for your writing task? Write them down. Have you noticed a theme? Why not write it down as well, to compare later with your ideas and arguments? If a detail attracts your attention, don’t miss it, as later it may attract the attention of your reader as well. Start an Introduction for a Book Report with The Following In the introduction, you catch the attention of a reader and give your viewpoint. Here you show the reader that there are some things that can be interesting in your work and these things are definitely not the author’s biography and the title explanation. Most students like introducing the book with its title introduction, but you can do it only in case you are confident that you can make it in a super engaging and unexpected way. First-Hand Experience So, how to write a good introduction for a book report? Usually, people prefer reading first-hand experiences, some trustworthy information. Did you decide to mention the author who has written the book? Then, it is worth paying some attention to his personality and experience. Why has he written this book and why exactly this author is the one who could have written the best book in this field? Why can readers trust the facts described in the book? If your book is about traveling, then you describe the author as a person who has visited all those places that are described in his book and so on. Shocking Facts In the introduction, create a special engagement. That can be anything: some mystery, maybe a short story that cannot leave indifferent, anything that will make your reader get interested in the report. Do you have any ideas on how to manage this? Are there any practical examples that show how to get out of this issue? It is always helpful if you start an introduction to a book report with some shocking facts, if they are proven statistically, it is even better. For example, you have chosen a book that describes human rights violation in the developing countries, you can take one shocking case and describe it. Make it vivid. Does the reader feel the frustration and pain of the person whose example you are using? Make it personal. After that, give the statistical data about that phenomenon. Be careful with statistics though, as too many numbers weaken the effect and turn personal stories into dry numbers. Familiar Things One more way to attract their attention is to pay attention to something that is close and familiar to them, something that speaks out of their soul. Think what it can be. Are there any ads on TV that made you watch them till the end? How did they do? Can you use their method for your reader? Ask questions that evoke interest. Start with some hint of a drama. You know, most people like dramas. Check some examples that usually work with most people and which you can use when you are writing of a book report introduction: Feeling like a loser â€" how does it feel? Happy ending â€" how often can it happen in real life? Discovering a family secret â€" disclose or not to disclose? You see, that these questions are not something extraordinary. They all are about common life situations that happen everywhere to everybody. That is why talk about it. It helps to establish trust between you and your reader. You show that you know their concerns, their worries, and their pain. You are ready to speak about it. That is why you have chosen a book that is close to them as well. This is good for writing if it is about books describing people’s feelings during different periods of their life. A good example of a book report introduction can be written based on the “The Outsiders†by S.E.Hinton, the writer who wasn’t so famous among foreign readers but whose books deserve our attention. How does the author describe the teenager`s feelings and emotions? Do they have something in common with your emotional condition at that age? Everybody has lived those periods over, everybody knows all those feelings, even if they weren’t so intense. That is why everybody will perceive the book and your report with great warmth and understanding. The Book Is Famous What to do if your task is a report on a well-known book? What if the book has been described so many times that you simply don’t know what else to write about? How to write an introduction paragraph for a book report in this case, when an idea was described a number of times in the most popular sources? Even in such case, you can find your way. You may like the following options: Were there any events at that time that deserved special attention of the public and that influenced the society? How can you use them for your report? This method works very well with books containing the elements of the author`s biography. Are there any interesting facts or experiences from the life of the author that influenced his life? Can they impress the reader somehow? Consider Your Reader An introduction should not describe everything. But it is always useful to give a short outline of a book. Just imagine that some people have not read it. They still should understand your point. Share just the information that is crucial to the general understanding of the entire story. There is no place for details here. But you had better give some contradicting ideas and make a hint to something that may change the story in an unexpected way. Just as an example, you can start with an ordinary story but then make a sharp turn in the plot and make the reader guess what comes further. There is no perfect example of an introduction paragraph for a book report, as people are different, so they have a different way of perception of the same things. Moreover, among your readers, there may be someone who has managed to read the book, as well as those who haven’t cared to do it. Your obligation is to pay attention to both groups. New readers should feel welcomed and engaged, while experienced readers should be able to get new information from your report, new ideas and new arguments. If there is a need, you can even mention relevant literature and compare it to the book. All Facts Matter â€" Use Them for Book Report Introduction Authors choose locations and time deliberately, that is why these details mean something. If you find out how that can be connected to the main plot, how it influenced the time and location, you have a chance to write a good introduction to a book report. Don’t hesitate to share all your ideas. Is there any content connected to the title? How does the title reflect the main idea and the topic? How much sense does it make under the circumstances described in the book? Is the book aimed at entertaining or providing objective information? Is the moral connected to the content? Are there any controversies in the book and how are you going to discuss them? How did the book influence your perceptions and beliefs, if it did so? What to Do Further Now, after you have learned how to write a good introduction for a book report, you are free to move further to the actual report body and the conclusions. Take your time, just a few seconds to check some information which you have found out and which you want to discuss. How are the main characters connected to the moral, title and so on? What about the author`s conclusions and are they similar or contrasting to those that you made? Do you have anything to add, discuss or argue? State your ideas, arguments, and counter-arguments. Prove your attitude, check how the circumstances could have influenced the author, his ideas. Emphasize the turning points in the plot. How did they influence the characters? Discuss all examples that are engaged in a conflict with society, with other characters, with their own personality and show the solutions. How does the story ending correlate with the described conflicts and how logical or unexpected was it? Finally, make a conclusion where you will sum up everything and give your ideas. It Is Too Complicated, or Where to Order Your Task? That looks like a good piece of work, doesn’t it? Reading a book already requires time, even if you aren’t making notes and paying no attention to the facts that you can use later. You need to have proper knowledge not only about the theory regarding how to write a book report introduction but you need to find much more information about the circumstances in which or under which influence the plot was created. Moreover, this is not only time-demanding task but also a work that requires attention and some writing skills. If you believe that it is not your piece of cake, why not give this job to professionals who love writing and who can do it professionally? Place an order now and get your task with the most amazing introduction written by professionals.
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